Learn to Run Your Own Winery
The following list of wine industry knowledge resources,
books and magazines should get you well on your way to starting
your own winery. While there are many books on winemaking
and vineyard management on the market, finding winery marketing
resources can be quite difficult. We hope these resources
help you make your dream a reality!
 The Backyard Vintner -
Vital information on topics such as planting, trellising, and
proper pruning techniques for grapes; which grape varieties will
grow best in every climate or region; and the wines that can be
made from each variety. Vineyard tend to take at least
five years to become Replica omega
productive, so it pays to start your grapes
growing ASAP!
 Understanding Wine Technology - The perfect book for
simplifying the complex science that goes into winemaking.
Includes one of the best published reviews of filtration
methods, and an excellent overview of wine additives.
book was written for classroom use and it provides a quick with
concise and relatable explanations.
The Grape Grower:
A Guide to Organic Viticulture - covers
growing grapes very thoroughly.
It is focused on an organic
approach to growing wine grapes, but it does not omit content
for non-organic growers.
Wine, Food, and Tourism Marketing (Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Vol. 14, Numbers 3/4 2003) -
Wine, Food, and Tourism Marketing is an overview of contemporary practices and trends in food and wine tourism marketing. International in scope, the book draws on studies from Canada, England, France, New Zealand, South Africa, and Scotland for analyses of contemporary practices and trends that help you develop, implement, and maintain strategic competitive advantages.
The book looks at case studies of business operations, seasonality, destination image, and the development of business networks.
Modern Winemaking -
Modern Winemaking has quite a bit of useful information, and it's well-written and informative. However, this is not a book for beginning home winemakers. If you're looking for more advanced info on wine chemistry than can be found in the introductory books then give this book a try.
Successful Wine Marketing - Successful Wine Marketing explains the principles, logistics, and strategies of wine marketing and sales, helping any winery or distributor understand the market, find a niche, and develop a successful plan.
Full of descriptions, tips, and real world examples from both wine and business experts, this book distills the lessons and practical knowledge that come out of the highly regarded University of California at Davis short course, given each summer in conjunction with the Office international de la vigne et du vin (OIV).
"When the water of a place is bad it is safest to
drink none that has not been filtered through either the
berry of a grape, or else a tub of malt. These are the most
reliable filters yet invented." -- Samuel Butler, Samuel
Butler’s Notebooks